Chants of FAKE NEWS can be heard from sea to filthy, polluted sea! And what’s worse… It’s not just in the streets! The mobs have taken over the air ways, taken over the interwebs – they have even taken over Pizza Hut (but let’s be honest -  they can keep Pizza Hut...). And to add insult to injury All of our favorite shows are currently being held hostage!

This is the absolutely worst thing that could happen! They didn't offer friendship. They didn't even call me "daddy"... They came into our TV time, on the day of my husband's birthday and asked me to do murder - and not even for money!

So here's the deal. We need your help breaking thru the firewalls to save the data before all the shows are gone - like poof – fizzle – zap… forever!

There are several stages to their security. But if we work together, we can break thru their fire walls like Kool Aid man on crack! 


Click here to help now!
Seriously... help...